Reformed Episcopal Church


Resolution on Christian Sexual Ethics
RESOLVED, that we, the 46th General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church, reaffirm the biblical standard given for the well-being of society:

That sexual intercourse should take place only between a man and a woman who are married to each other.

That fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts are sinful in all circumstances.

That Christian leaders are called to be exemplary in all spheres of morality, including sexual morality, as a condition of being appointed or remaining in office.

That the Church is called upon to show Christ-like compassion to those who have fallen into sexual sin, encouraging them to repent and receive forgiveness, and offering the ministry of healing to all who suffer physically or emotionally as a result of such sin.

Adopted by the 46th General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church
Meeting at St. Mark's Reformed Episcopal Church, Jenkintown, PA, Wednesday, May 23, 1990

© 1997, The Reformed Episcopal Church.


Resolution on Sanctity of Human Life
RESOLVED, that we, the Reformed Episcopal Church, vigorously affirm the biblical teaching of the sanctity of human life, and deplore the practice of permitting abortions, with the possible exception of cases where it has been clearly established that the life of the mother is in danger.

Based on a study done for the 97th Council of the New York and Philadelphia Synod in 1978 (now the Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic). This has been re-affirmed by the REC's General Councils of 1990 , 1993, and 1996 and continues to be the standard we adopt. The complete text of the study is available upon request from the office of Bishop Grote.

Adopted by the 46th General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church
Meeting at St. Mark's Reformed Episcopal Church, Jenkintown, PA, Wednesday, May 23, 1990

© 1997, The Reformed Episcopal Church.