Church of the Holy Communion Cathedral
Synod 2024
Wednesday - Friday
October 2 - October 4
Church of the Holy Communion Cathedral
Dallas, TX
Bishop Sutton, the Diocesan Staff members, and the Committee on Synod Planning, invite you to the 117th Synod of the Diocese of Mid-America at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Communion in Dallas, TX this October. As you know, we planned to host Synod this year in the newly constructed sanctuary of Good Shepherd in Tyler, TX. Unfortunately, Bishop Banek has indicated that there have been some construction delays and the anticipated date of occupancy will be too close to the date of Synod for them to host us this year. Therefore, at the Bishops’ and Planning Committee’s recommendation, the Standing Committee approved moving the location of the 2024 Synod to the Cathedral in Dallas. We do plan to have Synod next year in Tyler (Oct 2025).
Synod will be in Dallas
Wednesday, Oct 2nd (4pm) - Friday, Oct. 4th (Noon)
Two years ago, we modified the Synod schedule to commence with a Wednesday late-afternoon start time and adjourn with lunch on Friday. We received many compliments and positive feedback about that change and have decided to do this again in 2024.
Wednesday, October 2nd
Our time together will begin on Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd, at 4pm. The clergy will have a private meeting with the bishops while the Women of the Church have their annual meeting & presentation. Evensong will be held at 6:00pm followed by a Spring Creek BBQ dinner in Lunt Hall. All registered and paid individuals in attendance (including those coming only to the Women’s Day meeting) are invited to join us for the dinner.
Please note: Male lay delegates who are not attending the Women’s Day or the Clergy meeting can arrive for the Evensong and dinner at 6pm on Wednesday. They do not need to be there at 4pm.
Thursday, October 3rd
We will begin our Thursday sessions with the service of Holy Communion at 8:30am. Clergy are asked to bring cassock/surplice and RED stole for the procession. Following the Communion service, we will gather in Lunt Hall for our teaching sessions and presentations throughout the day. This year, Bishop Camlin will teach on the Descent Clause in the Creed, Bishop Boonzaaijer on parochial schools, and Bishop Brulc will present a ministry known as “Grief Share”. Grief Share is a wonderful ministry that our parishes can use to reach out to those in their community who are grieving. Evening Prayer will be held at 4:30pm. You will then be free to return to the hotel to prepare for the banquet dinner.
***Special Banquet***25th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Most Rev’d Ray Sutton***
At 6:30pm on Thursday evening, we will have a very special banquet dinner at Venue Forty|50, located in the parking lot adjacent to our synod hotel. This formal banquet will be in honor of the 25th anniversary of our Ordinary and Presiding Bishop’s Consecration to the Episcopate. For those only wishing to attend the banquet the cost will be $100.
We are collecting special donations towards a gift for Bishop Sutton. If you would like to donate, please use this button to donate electronically or contact Canon Jason (
Friday, October 4th
Our Friday session will begin with the service of Morning Prayer at 8:30a. Following the service, our morning will be devoted to the business reports of the Diocese. We anticipate completing all business and adjourning by lunch, a box lunch from McAlister’s Deli will be provided. You are free to eat and fellowship in the parish hall or take your lunch and begin your travels home. You will select your sandwich choice when you complete your online registration.
Tentative Schedule
(Subject to Change)
There will be an opportunity to check-in and receive your badge on Wednesday afternoon in Lunt Hall from 3:00pm-4:00pm.
Wednesday - October 2nd
3:00p Early Check-in (Lunt Hall)
4:00p Women’s Day Meeting / Clergy Meeting
6:00p Evensong
Following Spring Creek BBQ Dinner (Lunt Hall)
Thursday - October 3rd
7:30a Check-in (Lunt Hall)
8:00a Clergy vesting (Miller Hall) (cassock/surplice/RED stole)
8:30a Holy Communion service - Group Photo to follow service.
10:30a Teaching Session (Lunt Hall)
Noon Lunch (Lunt Hall) - McAlister’s Soup & Spud bar
1:15p Teaching Sessions (Lunt Hall)
3:30p Presentations & Missions updates
4:30p Evening Prayer
6:30p Special Banquet Dinner - Venue Forty|50
Friday - October 4th
8:30a Morning Prayer
9:15a Business Session
12:00p Adjourn & Box Lunch available following
Three things are required for Synod attendees (the last one is only for Rectors though). Detailed information for each aspect is then found further down on this page.
REGISTRATION - Every individual attending Synod must register and pay for Synod. These registrations will tell us how many people to expect, your meal choice on Thursday, and our certified voting list. Registration will open on July Ist and will close on September 15th.
HOTEL - Individuals must reserve hotel rooms. Room reservations are available now and can be booked now through September 15th at the discounted rate. We do NOT book these for you.
CERTIFICATIONS (for Pastors only) - submit your statistical information and certify your duly-elected parish representatives. Certification forms will be available on July 1st and must be completed by September 15th.
Registration Information
REgistration available from July 1 to September 15TH
Registration will be open on July 1 and close on September 15th. You can use the button below to enter the registration system.
Registration cost for the full Synod activities and meals this year will be a total of $200. This cost will include the synod fee and the dinners on Wednesday evening, lunch on Thursday and Friday, and the special banquet dinner at Venue Forty|50 on Thursday evening. If you are not attending the Synod but would like to attend either 1) Women’s Day Meeting & Dinner and/or 2) Thursday special banquet dinner, you may do so through the system and selecting “Partial Synod Attendee”. The cost of Women’s Day and Dinner is $50. The cost of the Thursday banquet dinner is $100. If you questions regarding your registration, please email Canon Jason Grote (
Full Synod & 4 Meals = $200
Women’s Day & Wed. Dinner only = $50
Special Thursday banquet dinner only = $100
Please note, you must complete the payment information and receive a confirmation page then you have not actually registered. Be sure you see a confirmation page on the screen.
Hotel Reservations
Hotel Reservations must be made by September 15TH
We have contracted a room block with the Hilton Garden Inn Dallas/Addison located on Belt Line Ave. The discounted rate is $124 per night plus taxes. Use our group reservation code “906” if reserving online or mention “Diocese of Mid-America REC Synod” if calling the hotel directly. This rate is good from a Wednesday check-in (Oct. 2nd) through Friday morning checkout (Oct. 4th). If available, the hotel may offer the same rate before or after Synod, at their discretion. You should schedule a Wednesday check-in as Synod begins at 4pm on Wednesday. You can checkout on Friday since we will be done business at lunch time.
Hotel reservations should be made directly with the hotel. WE DO NOT MAKE THESE RESERVATIONS FOR YOU! If you do not make a reservation by the September 15th deadline, then we cannot help you.
Hilton Garden Inn Dallas/Addison
4090 Belt Line Rd.
Addison, TX 75001
Online Group Reservation Code: 906
Phone Call Reservation Group Code: Diocese of Mid-America REC Synod
Phone: (972) 233-8000
Parish Certifications
Parish certifications due by September 15TH
Each Rector (or person in charge of a parish) needs to complete a Parish Certification Form. This form will provide statistical information regarding the membership and official acts of the parish for calendar year 2023. The form will also certify the duly elected lay individuals that will represent the parish at Synod. The opening page of the form will detail the information that is required. You should read that page and gather the information before completing the form.
The Parish Certification forms must be submitted by September 15th.
Reports & Documents
The Synod Reports for this Synod and the Journal of the last Synod will be distributed electronically. We will send emails with these documents to all Synod registrants during the two week period prior to Synod. This section will also contain links to them so you can view/download them as needed. These should be reviewed prior to Synod, which will help us move through our business efficiently. There is no need to print the reports unless you so desire. Likewise, there is no need to print the Journal of the previous Synod.